Soul Sessions

Soul Sessions are a new offering created by me which combines my gifts into one unique offering. I will utilise my skills and expertise as a Psychotherapist, Energy Healer and Tarot Reader to bring you a deep healing session.

Each Soul Session lasts for two hours. We start the session by talking through a particular problem or issue you are currently experiencing in your life. The aim is not to resolve this issue in one session, longer term psychotherapy and healing is usually required to work through deep-rooted problems. However, a Soul Session will give you the opportunity to talk about this particular issue whilst I listen with deep empathy and curiosity.

As I listen to and witness you, I will offer my reflections and insights around what you are experiencing. Together we will navigate your experience with the aim of gaining deeper insight and awareness to what is going on for you. This in itself is healing, as is being witnessed, validated and emotionally held by a safe ‘other’. You may experience relief just by talking through the issue, you may be able to release and express withheld emotions and you may walk away with deeper clarity and understanding around your experience which in turn leads to growth, change and healing.

How do I know if Soul Sessions are suitable for me?

If you are looking to heal from deep childhood wounds or psychological trauma I recommend engaging in long term psychotherapy where these experiences can be worked through at a steady, safe and consistent pace. A Soul Session is for you if you have a current issue that is causing anxiety, stress or confusion and you feel it would help if you could explore it more deeply. I can guide you in our initial contact as to what kind of session would be more suited to your needs.

I will always work with integrity and authenticity making sure my offerings are in alignment with what best serves you. I may refuse a Soul Session if I think you need longer term, more contained therapeutic help around the issue you are bringing. This will be communicated with compassion and empathy and I will signpost you to places you can get the support you need if I am unable to offer it myself. If you are unsure if a Soul Session is for you, contact me and we can discuss it together.

How Soul Sessions work

The talking part of the session will last around one hour. We will then move into a card reading where I will use oracle or tarot cards to offer you further insight. This a magical part of the session where we will connect to our spiritual guides to bring support, love and guidance through the cards. The card reading will last around 15 minutes.

We will then finish the session with some beautiful and powerful energy healing which will last around 30-40 minutes. I may use crystals to assist me in the energy healing which I may place upon your body. This a chance for you to deeply relax and receive loving, healing universal energy as it moves through your body providing healing on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

At the end of the session I will check in with how you are feeling and then that will be the end of our time together. Whilst the Soul Session follows a basic structure I am always open to organic flow within the container and we may spend more or less time for each practice depending on what you want / need. I trust that healing happens exactly as it is required.

Soul Session overview

  • Two Hour Session
  • Talking Therapy
  • Oracle / Tarot Card Reading
  • Energy / Crystal Healing

The exchange for a Soul Session is £111. Please contact me to enquire about booking a session with me.


For any booking requests or information about Thirteen Moons, Women's Circles, Reiki or Rahanni healing or to book an initial Psychotherapy session in Melksham, Wiltshire, please contact me using the contact form provided and I will get back to you as soon as I can. All communication is confidential, using private and secure phone and email.

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